Monday 2 December 2013

-no title-

Assalamualaikum hot dudes and chicks! Woah, the last  time i posted something was before my birthday. Haha k not cool. By the way, im currently enjoying my marvellous (is that how u spell it?) holiday at home. Okay its decmber and time is running so fast and i dont even remember what actually happened the past few months. All i knew was, on july, my eid was wonderful. On august, raya celebration and activity week was um cool? Haha yeah cool. On september, okay nightmare a lil bit. Jeng jeng jeng, mrsm muar was in (idk, bh or metro or whatever) a newspaper! How cool is that?! Haha still not cool cause what happened was super creepy. Yeap. Histeria. Uuu or should i say kids at my school were possesed? Haha k whatever. On october, well us, form 2s were really busy cause we  there were no ujian selaras 2 so yeah, we got hooked up with stupid pbs (shouldnt be calling it stupid cause it helped my semester 2 result) hahah and then we cuti raya haji kejap and when came back, it was our final semester exam. It was CREEPY. Ya know, cause ive never experience three weeks of exam. It was so tiring. All you do is study, study and study.

Speaking of results, ALHAMDULILLAH i am sooo grateful that i finally passed 3.5! Well to be honest, this is my first time (im not smart and im lazy) getting 3.5s. I got 3.62. Well, my target was in the 3.50 range but never thought id get more than 3.6! Job well done nana! I got 6As 4Bs and 1C which was math. Hahahaha its normal right when we dont score at maths cause yknow,  everytime in math class, i'll be like, I DONT EVEN UNDERSTAND WHAT I DONT UNDERSTAND. And then me and my gang would be playing around at the back  instead of trying to solve those tricky math problems. Oh gosh i miss my classmates 😭 ok im writing this with my ipod so i cant post any pictures so yeah, this post looks boring. Gahahaha nama pun -no title- 😜

Sooooo, a week ago, my family and i went to seoul. It was FREAKIN AWESOME! Never thought id be there cause ya know, i am not a kpopper 😑 South korea was awesome like seriously! The temperature was -1 ok i was freezing to death but tak mati pun la hahah 😬 the cool thing is, it was SNOWING! ❄️❄️❄️Haha ok u guys cant see what emoji i just used if u are on your laptop ✌️Now, all i want to say is, i miss korea. My next target is new york. Hahaha like that would happen 😭😭 its the city that ive always wanted to go! Idk man, i just love the surrounding, the view, the beautiful buildings. Hm i'll just wait till i grow old enough to travel by my own (with my best friends) and collect my own money. Ahh ✈️✈️ Yeah dream on. I think im going to change the topic now.

When january comes, i wanna change. Cause you know, im gonna be fifteen next year and most importantly (no pmr, not cool) im gonna be studying as a form 3 student in mrsm muar. Gosh im really scared about what will happen after form 3 cause my results arent that good and i dont see any chances of myself staying mrsm. Like seriously, i dont wanna go to government!!! So thats why, i promised myself to waaaay more rajin and im gonna like study really hard, i swear! Making my parents proud is the reason why i stepped into mrsm. Well, wish me luck on going through all the ups and downs next year. Hahah i really should be doing my homework right now. Ok i think thats it for now, happy holiday peeps xx

Assalamualaikum ☺️

Sunday 31 March 2013

Sad me is so sad.

Assalamualaikum and hye! It's almost 5 and im still wide awake. All because of the pbsm folio I had to finish before I go back to my boarding school. hmm Yeap  Today im goin back to jail. ugh Hey, today's the first day of April? Well another 15 more days and I'll turn 14 :D haha hate talking bout my bday coz I know I'm not gonna celebrate it at home. #Sad. Well let's just hope my friends are planning something special for me. (Macam dorg nak buat /:) so that my 14th birthday would be awesome. Btw, I have 2 twins on that day. Asyraaf, my classmate and another kid in 2 Fairuz. I hate sharing my birthday with other people -_- Hmm Panjang sgt dah aku tulis. Mesti boring en? Takpe...

Haha there you gooo :) My Niall James Horan. Hehe got this from tumblr. Oh yeah finally opened my tumblr and rasanya dah berhabuk gila kot. I thought I was going to be active on tumblr but then taak. haha kemalasan punya pasal. But I think updating our blog lagi byk benda nak kene buat dari tumblr. All we do in tumblr is reblog pictures. Idc, I'm still gonna be active here! (Time aku kat rumah jela) I'm gonna write as many words as I can and post pictures.

Hmmmm really hate the fact that in a few more hours I will be going back to Muar -,- Dahla homework separuh tak siap. Ugh hate my life hate my life hate my life (double gila) Takpe. Nanti byk2 la kita meng-after buku org yg homework dah siap ni *buatmukacomel . Gonna meet all my friends and there goes my boring life in the boring jai- oppss what I meant was boarding school. hahaha lol (not even funny).

See this? Haha tumblr knows how to describe myself! If you guys noticed I used this sentence in my bio which is on the right side of this blog.YEAH GO CLICK ON THE AUTHOR IF U CAME HERE TO STALK ME. hahhaha great. now all I do is post pictures that I saved from tumblr and that's soo lame. Wtv -_- Hm teringat when my mum once said that I had a huge vitamin stuck in myself which is vitamin M. Hahah M stands for MALAS. Yea mum. Pandai buat lawak. (Not even funny again!) 

Gaaaaah he's cuteness terserlah xD Awwwww yea bijes TOUCH MY FRIENDS AND I'LL BLIND YOU. If kengkawan aku baca ni mesti dorg terharu. hahaha especially my classmates and roommates too not to forget :) I have a big crush on Logan Lerman since ermm, when eh? The percy jackson movie? Oh yeshhhh he's sooo cute!!! and hawt!!! <--- why did I spelled hot like that :3 Haha aku curang dgn Niall Horan and the rest of the boys. Aku curang dgn..... hmm only my close friends can figure that out. Heee dear you, if you're reading this, jgn ambik hati. I was just kiddin :) But I don't care, if I Logan Lerman is cute he is cute! (Still tgh cari apa fanbase utk Logan Lerman) 

Sooo, mind talking bout homeworks? Hahaaha heck no. But I still wanna talk bout it. Sikit je. 
I bet tomorrow, before masuk waktu subjek hw yg kita belum siap, we'll probably be like

Yeap. Me and my classmates will probably be like that. Jyeah #TeamTakSiapHomework #TeamMalasNakSiapkanHomework #TeamSegalaTeam <----------- Pengaruh twitter.
Hehehehe *Yawns K. I think that's it for today, I'm sleepy (mana taknya kul 5 pg kot) I need some sleep and enjoy my last night with my comfy bed. (Katil asrama tak sdp langsung) It's 5 o'clock awleady. Mesti malam ni aku tido habis kat surauu #PerangaiDak2MRSMMuar (: Ok need to go and have my beauty sleep. (beautylah sgt en) Goodbye people out there *buat muka sedih.. Lepas ni dah jarang update cause I will be stuck in my asrama for like... idk. Tak kira lg how many weeks we'll be staying. Sedihnyaaaa no more twitter, youtube, shopping, comfy bed and all the fun things at my home sweet home :'( Harap2 balik maktab nanti tak homesick. (yeah harap jek) Oh lupa nak bagitahu, there's a junior that looks like me. She's very cute tho. She's form 1 and her name is Ungku :) (Dik, pls rasa bangga sikit sbb akak promote ur name here)
Eee see that? Hate calling myself akak. I wanna be a junior again  .__. Ok lah, I think It's time for me to go. (Belum packing brg lagii)

Assalamualaikum and Bye! xx

Saturday 30 March 2013

Back to my younger days :)

Assalamualaikum cutie pies :) I should be doin my homework right now but who cares. I hate homework so i don't have to do it. #YayMe. As you can see, this post is gonna be full of pictures of me and brother when we were little. Yeah. Don't jugde, i know im not as cute as you guys. Im just posting these pictures for fun!

I present you, me back in 1999 :)

We got swag. Do you?

Me and my duckface :)

haha idk what's wrong with me that time

MY FAV PICTURE OF ALL. hehe love ya bro :*

Like father, like daughter :)

And last but not least, the 4 years old meeee :D

Haha. K i think that's it for today :) Sorry if i annoy you guys today. I just can't help. Aku suruh ayah aku panjat almari yg tinggi gila tu semata2 nak tgk gambar aku masa baby/kecik. I was soooo excited :) Then amek gambar terus post kat instagram, twitter and facebook. Gee i really miss being a little kid. Seriously, the baby version of me is so different with the teenage version of me now -,- (eceh main version2 pulak xD) Btw, i cant write for too long, im supposed to finish my science powerpoint on this laptop but now aku main twitter dgn facebook pulak 8) K I think that's for today (again im repeating the same sentence). Sudilah komen yea :p Oh yguys do realize im finally revealing myself.. yeap, wan syahira illyana, 14, kota damansara, mjsc muar and a freakin directioner!! Haha (gila) after this maybe im gonna post more pictures so takdelah korang trtido en baca blog yg boring gila ni. K peeps, gtg homeworks are callin! 

Assalamualaikum and bye! xx

Wednesday 27 March 2013


Assalamualaikum and hey. You guys must be wondering where i've been lately. Haha kali terakhir I posted something was probably last year which is on december 18th. Saje je tak update. I mean, I cant help it man... Im just too lazy. Even my homeworks are untouched. Hehe actually before ni dah balik dah. During cuti maulidurasul. But yeah, like I said, I was too lazy to do anything especially update blog. Hehe do forgive me dear readers. I feel like posting something now cause my friend alia suddenly mintak link blog ni. Haha so terus rasa cam nak update. I dont really know what gonna talk about right now. #np miranda cosgrove - dancing crazy . Haha macam twitter pulak. K ive been typing in malay lately. Hmm ah who cares this is my blog. Bila nak start story ni... K gonna go straight to the point now.

  Actually I came back from Muar last Friday. And balik jail balik this Sunday. Yeah. I do think 1
week holiday is not enough. I was stuck in my freaking boarding school for like 7 weeks yeah thats soooo long -.- Apape pun I miss my drama team so much! Yeap. Went to MRSM Pontian for language week. Hehe we didnt win anything but who cares as long as we had lots of fun. Btw, my latest exam result was very disappointing. Ugh la tahzan. Yea. Again. Hmmm me and my sad life. Wanna know something? Im actually typing this while listening to my mp3. Whats on? Still The One by One Direction. ^^v and im using my brand new ipod touch right now!!!! (Show off) hehe this is a bday present from my parents. Weird cause its not even my bday yet. but im still happy :) idk what to talk about right now. Im just typing whats passing through my mind. Hmmm my crush? Yeah him. Knowing your crush likes somebody hurts so much. He said he's still gonna wait for her no matter what happens. Hmm how I wish I was that freaking girl ): not gonna talk about that lah. Im actually doing my homework right now :3 but I stopped cause doing it will just make feel more sleepy. Ugh school's about to start soon and I really hate to know that.

Sorry if this post is super duper boring to you guys. Im just...... Hmm nevermind. I think thats all for now. Goodnight all the lovely directioners out there :) me love you guyss. . Bye Assalamualaikum :D

Tuesday 18 December 2012


Hey all! I'm back and I feel like posting something in this bored night. Imagine? Imagine we can get stuffs we want without using money. Imagine we don't have to grow up. Imagine you're the prettiest girl on earth. Imagine we don't have to feel insecure all the time. Ugh. My dear dear wacky imaginations. Imma tell you guys somethin, I'm gonna imagine there's a town full of sweet stuff. Chocolates, candies, everything you ask for! And the buildings are made up of cookies while cars are made up of jellies. So when you're all hungry, you just go and bite the things around there. Wow, I really wanna live in a world like that game Candy Rush in the Wreck-it Ralph movie. Yeah I've already watched it. The movie was awesome! I wanna climb a tree that's made up of candy sticks. omg I'm talking about sweet stuffs. I know we're gonna get fat if we eat them a lot. But who cares, everyone loves sweets<3

*Changing the topic* If you're the middle child, Imagine you were the first/last one. I'm living my life as a middle child and I don't always get everything I want. And I'm probably none of my parents' favourite. #SadlifeAlert. If you always lose with your siblings who are way older than you, like I said, Imagine you're the first child. Ahh Happy Life. Lol why am I talking about siblings? This sucks. Now, I may change the topic again(:

#ThingsIHateAboutMyself: I'm not  fair enough. I'm not tall. I'm too skinny and that makes me look ugly. What's weird is, I only have one dimple on the left side of my mouth. My hands and legs are ugly cause when I was little I like to scratch them especially mosquito bites. I'm not smart enough. (SOTRUE) I don't have pretty eyes. And pimples are really getting on my nerves. I've always have that feeling where I wanted to be like Barbara Palvin. And that feeling remains until now. Omg, I hate how I have to feel insecure with every pretty/beautiful/gorgeous girl on earth. But I'm not that insecure. I'm still grateful to have a wonderful face and a complete body. I know we shouldn't complain to Allah's creations(:

Haha. This post most be sooo boring to you guys. Cause it's so long. Idc, I really hope yguys enjoy reading this nonsense post. Goodnight directioners out there. Oh and I have a question, what's Logan Lerman's fanbase? I really need to call myself that! Again I say, Goodnight directioners, swifties, beliebers, lovatics, selenators, mahomies, simpsonizers, potterheads and more! Haha what the hell is wrong with me tonight? Hey it's already 1 o'clock! So, good morning all the fanbases that I said before! Haha crazy me is so crazy. Ok

Assalamualaikum and bye.

Monday 17 December 2012


Hello earthlings. I'm back after a few days gone. (This sentence looks like I was dead for awhile.) Have you guys been to kidzania? I've never been there before. Lame me is so lame. Tomorrow I'll finally get to spend my time there with my younger brother. Haih, then my cousin will go shopping around ikea as she's too old to go in. What makes me happy? The next day my dad's gonna take us go swimming at icity's new water park. Yay? Haha, then I won't have time to finish my homeworks. Great. So, here I am typing words.. ugh I really wanna watch perks of being a wallflower! Like so effing much! Logan Lerman is just too cute.......

                                                                TRUST ME he's just too cute

Btw, I actually don't really know what to talk about. I just have a few words to those guys who are in a realtionship. Could you please don't post a tweet/status abt love or something. It's just disgusting. I mean I know I'm gonna love someone when I grow up. But reading those posts just make me feel like vomiting. What do we call it? Jiwang. Yeap. I hate those type of posts. Geliiii much.

Hmm, oh mummy can you please take me to one utama? I need to buy something and it's urgent!! Naah, not that urgent. I just need to buy some shawls so that I can wear them next week. And I freakin need a new novel! I've always been dying to read Jay Asher's thirteen reasons why. I've been searching for that book for a long time.. Wanna be mine? Give me a present of that book! :) But that's okay, there's plenty other novels I can buy. I've been reading Sophie Kinsella's lately. I love this one the MOST:

                                                  Try and read this one. You'll love the story(:

Okay bye readers. Tonight I'm gonna go and have fun eventhough today is the day everyone hates.

Assalamualaikum and bye.

Thursday 13 December 2012


Hello readers. I'm kind of freaking out right now. My friends said that they already got their letter from my school. The letter which is also known as result. Ah this is so NOT COOL. I can't imagine how my parents are gonna react. Hmm this is what we call sadlife? Well, not most of the times. I'm still happy and super excited for the last week of this month. Me and ze family will be going to china! Ni hao ma? (not sure if it's spelled like that.) Hahaha. omg there's only three weeks left to enjoy our holiday. wow time flies so fast. and I don't have the mood to finish my homeworks. Ahhhh :'(

If I had Jimmy Neutron's brain, Timmy Turner's goldfishes and Phineas and Ferb's summer, my life would probably filled with this.

This is what I've been asking for. Everyone wants it.

Ok. Yknow, yesterday I slept so late now that I have this huge eyebags. Ugh, idk why my skin's getting drier  each day:( School's gonna start and I'm gonna appear like this, wuaaaa. Now, I have nothing to do but to face my homeworks and finish them asap. It really annoys me when I'm talking to someone who can't hear what we're saying. She's like 'Hah wht did you say?' So I repeated what I said louder than she goes 'Hah? What?' grrrrrrrrr god kill me now! But I have to be patient. Cause obviously, she's like that because the other day we went swimming and you know what happened.

I think I have to go. Me and all the cousins were watching a korean drama and the story was funny and interesting! To be honest, I'm not any of those kpoppers. I just love watching korean dramas cause they're so much better than american's and the others. Well, that's in my opinion. I'm gonna go log-in my twitter and scroll down the 'boring' timeline. And then retweet some hilarious tweets, then log-out aka sign out :p Then open my tumblr, then reblog interesting quotes and pictures. Haha yeah I have all. facebook, twitter, tumblr, blog, instagram. Then, I'll go downstairs to see if dinner's ready. I'm soo FUNGRY! Hahaha only food lovers know what that means. It means fucking hungry. Yeah, got that from twitter. oh and btw, the title of this post is 'Yikes' because I thought I was only gonna write about my results and all of that. I really have to go, so

Assalamualaikum and bye.